I am overwhelmed...
This morning was where it finally began...
I so realize the meaning of having found a purpose and having started to work towards achieving something that is not just going to bring me happiness, but going to bring thousands of people along with us a peace which they so hope for.
THE VILLAGE PROJECT INDIA finally took off with a painting competion between 50 of the Khar Danda Municipal School's best artistes.
Each painting was to die for...
Each drawing spoke...

Children from the age group of 9 to 12 sat for two long hours and poured out colors from their hearts on their drawing sheets... and in pin drop silence, the three judges, Actor/Model Adam Bedi, Fashion Designer Salim Asgarally and Artiste Bina Aziz, watched over them and at the end, had a hard time making up their minds about who the best three were.

Vilas Chavdi, the Shiv Sena Corporator of Khar Danda, graced the occasion and gave away the prizes to the best. He also emphasized the need for proper health services and requested everyone to be pro active in the process. All fifty children belonging to various communities, painted their interpretations of Lord Ganesha and it was declared that the best three paintings will be printed on T Shirts designed by Salim Asgarally and distributed to the organizers and workers of the Ganesh Seva Mandal at Khar Danda during Ganpati Festival next month. Twenty five top artistes will be helped to hone their skills by some of India's top artistes in a workshop organized by Artiste Bina Aziz during fall vacation this year.

Nisha Harale Bedi compered the event and made the children participate in the celebration of art and made them pledge that they will help THE VILLAGE PROJECT to maintain a safe and healthy environment.
Akash Thakker, Treasurer, The Village Project India, managed the event which was conducted seamlessly and his team, Nitin Pore and Ritchelle Nanda worked hard to make it successful.
Dale Bhagwagar, member of the Governing Council and PR and Brand Management Expert, handled media and enjoyed working hard to bring it all together.
Camlin sponsored the paints and colors for the children and Parle Agro sponsored the snacks and drinks. Hippo was a hit with the kids and Frooti went real fine too.

Most of the respected elders and senior citizens of the Fishermen's Village attended the prize distribution and congratulated the children as well as pledged to support the project.
THE VILLAGE PROJECT will soon begin the process of cleaning up the beach as well as flagging off various communications and training programs.
Some youth of the village will be trained by experts for disaster and crisis management and the team will be made available to the inhabitants 24/7.

THE VILLAGE PROJECT will help the people of Khar Danda to also run an ambulance service of their own and build other enterprise which will give employment to all the young and talented.
It has started and with the support and good will of all our friends, we will make it happen.