The arguements over whether homosexuality should be decriminalised or not in the Delhi High Court, are getting so bizzarre that they better end the battle soon, come to a truce, or the next thing we know is that the Indian Gay community will make demands for a land of their own.
And I wonder which state they will ask for?!!
Madhya Pradesh?
WOW! The tribe exists everywhere in huge numbers and belongs to all castes, creed, religions, languages, states and cultures.
Can you believe that the Home Ministers gang is actually pleading with the court not to go ahead with decriminalising homosexuality on the ground that it will further divide the country?
They are giving the status of a minority to the gay tribe.
This I believe is the first step towards their defeat in their fight gainst Ramadoss and the Ministry of Health, because they have conceded that homosexuals are a force of people who exist (and not just groups of perverts), and that they are a minority, therefore we should (however absurd it may sound) not listen to them.
We should not give in to their demands until there is an uprising, and like a Mayavati emerged as a leader of the Dalits after a frightening movement in the 80's, and various monsters emerged as leaders of minorities in Kashmir, Assam and other heartbreaking emerging revolutions in various states, after genocide, we should await yet another masacre, yet another round of bloodshed and only then give in.
Then when we decrimonalise the community, we will also agree to give them quotas in all walks of life and merit them with inclusion.
Why can't Indians and its great democracy that boasts of secularism just once and for all come to terms with the fact that the entire world today is a melting pot of ethnic and urban cultures, religions, languages, foods and sexualities.
That the melting pot is going to grow bigger in numbers, and that those holding on to their so called hypocritical values dogged by double standards, like children holding on to their mothers apronstrings in adulthood, will remain a diminishing minority.
Can't we just accept all kinds instead of rejecting them before losing to them?
Isn't that how we will achieve peace in this world?
Won't we all become a highly evolved race once we realise that it takes all kinds to make the world and that co existence is what brings about ahimsa, non violence and peace?
Mr. Shivraj Patil might be appeasing his vote bank, but doesn't he realise that he is losing out to another huge number?